Hornby London Toy Fair 2018


Hornby J36 R3600TTS R3621 R3622

On the Hornby stand one of the EP’s for the new J36 was available to have a good look at. The Prototype is definitely a Scottish model, so those of you who have been after a widely spread ‘Northern’ locomotive have landed on your feet! It’ll be available in three color schemes initially, North British DCC with sound, LNER, and BR early crest, the last two DCC ready. The pricing is interesting with the DCC sound version (£164.00) only being around £35.00 more than a DCC ready version. I can foresee buyers swapping bodies to get sound and vice versa! The EP looked pretty much ready to go, the weight seemed appropriate and I’d guess of similar value to the J15 which pulls well for its size.

Hornby J36 R3600TTS R3621 R3622

Hornby J36 R3600TTS R3621 R3622

Hornby J36 R3600TTS R3621 R3622

Hornby J36 R3600TTS R3621 R3622

Drive is via the rear axle and the cab area look clear of any compromises to achieve the rear wheel drive leaving daylight under the boiler and a representation of some of the inside valve gear. Tender pickups look to be on all axles, with the tender ‘permanently’ coupled. I couldn’t see on the quick look I had if there was a facility to close couple the tender, even if not, it won’t be a big job for those so inclined.

Hornby J36 R3600TTS R3621 R3622

NE Toads

LNER Toad Dia.064 R6834 R6834a R6833 R6833a

Well I seem to be followed around by Toads at the moment. Recently I’ve made four of them, two in 7mm and two in 4mm scale from the Parkside kits.
The Hornby model will cover two variants, the early (dia.034)as shown in this EP, wooden boarded ducket version, and the later steel ducket version (Dia.064). Overall it looks a really good effort. I originally wrote one characteristic of the type was a single large circular roof vent, neither version (to date), appears tooled for this common fitting. That was incorrect. The vans had paired vents which were larger than typical van roof vents, rather than the singular vent which I originally stated. My apologies for any confusion caused!

LNER Toad Dia.064 R6834 R6834a R6833 R6833a

It does unfortunately duplicate the Parkside kit which has only recently been released, I’m more than happy with the three I have (one to be built), and may indulge in one of the Dia.034’s. Then again I could do some modelling, and convert the unbuilt kit to an .034!

LNER Toad Dia.064 R6834 R6834a R6833 R6833a

So two very useful additions to Hornby’s range which look to be up to their current standard of quality releases. The Toads will be suitable for NE/LNER/Eastern Region generally across the board with the opportunity for cross region workings too. It’ll be interesting to see how the J36 is received sales wise, I hope it does well being specific to north of the border, and opens up possibilities for other northern region types.

This entry was posted in 3d, 3d printing, Airfix, blog, blogger, Branch Line, British Rail, DCC, dcc sound, Eastern Region, flying scotsman, history, HO, hobbies, Hornby, Ian Futers, Inspiration, Layout, LNER, media, Midland Region, Model Railroad, Model Railway, Model Railway Journal, modeling, Modelling, n gauge, Nevard, O Gauge, o scale, OO Gauge, Oxford rail, R3600TTS, R3621, research, Scotland, Scottish Region, social media, throwback thursday, toy fair, toy train, Toy trains, toytrainset, train set, trainset, Uncategorized, wagon. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Hornby London Toy Fair 2018

  1. sed30 says:

    Reblogged this on sed30's Blog.

  2. Jamie Wood says:

    Very nice indeed, thanks for the preview.

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